Friday, April 2, 2010

Hippos are Awesome!

Hippos are my favorite animal. I can't explain exactly why...I just love them!

Maybe it's because they have such an awesome name...
...because they have huge teeth in an even larger mouth...

...because they have a ridiculously small tail and a jumbo rear end.

...because they look like graceful giants underwater when they move in slow motion...

...because they're surprisingly speedy on land...

...or maybe they're just cute in an really ugly sort of way...

They're my favorite.

So I couldn't be more excited when Debbie told me to make a pink baby hippo to sit on top of a cake last week!

Hippo + Baby + Pink = Total Cuteness!

We positioned the sugar hippo on top of a sugar gift bow so it looked like she* was squishing it.

And we decorated the rest of the cake with stripes and polka dots in soft shades of green and pink.

Note to self: encourage people to order more hippo cakes!

*I decided that the hippo was a girl. After all, she is pink!


  1. Your hippo is so darling! I'm doing a pink and green cake next weekend...unfortunately no hippo though. :)

  2. I never thought of hippos as cute, but you've changed my mind.

  3. Your cake is it.:)
