Friday, April 17, 2009

Adam's First Cake Delivery!

This post is a little delayed because this cake was actually delivered on the same day as my last library demo. Since I was all the way in Newberry at the same time they needed the cake delivered to the baby shower, I asked Adam to deliver it for me! His first delivery!!! He was nervous, but I walked him through all the little details. The worst part about it was I asked him to place the gum paste baby blocks on the cake at the baby shower. I was afraid they'd slide around too much in the car and ruin the cake. Overall, the delivery went without a hitch, but Adam seemed to have trouble getting the baby blocks centered on the cake. He's an engineer with an extreme Type A personality! How did he get it so right-skewed!? I'm just teasing, I love to poke fun at Adam. Lord knows, he teases me at every chance he gets too!

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