Did you guess what it was??? Yea, I guess it wasn't too hard to figure out...

The firetrucks were made for a sweet little boy's birthday. They were labeled with each party attendee's name and shipped out of town (arriving today). Happy Birthday, West!
Did you like the Sneak Peek game? I had fun with it! But maybe next time I'll make it a little more challenging...and maybe every once in a while I'll run it like a contest. I'm thinking the first correct guess wins a dozen cookies shipped directly to them. How does that sound? These Sneak Peek games and contests will only be announced on my Facebook Fan Page so be sure you "like" it so you can play!
These are fantastic!
At first it looks like a bus but know it was a real fire truck! It surely takes a lot of time and effort to make one. You're so good. Can I have a taste?
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