Thursday, September 8, 2011

Orange & Blue Daisy Wedding Cake

It's traditional for wedding cakes to be white cake with white filling and white decorations. But, more and more, brides & grooms are choosing to incorporate nontraditional fillings (like guava, Bavarian cream, or raspberry) and using...*gasp*...COLOR on the cakes!

Of course, there is such a thing as too much color (think fluorescent green, orange, etc)...but bringing in touches of your wedding accent colors can really help decorate your reception.

Here's a cake we made for a bride and groom who were having an orange and blue wedding:

orange blue daisy wedding cake phdserts
The cake was iced in white buttercream, and we wrapped real ribbon around the base of each cake tier.

orange blue daisy wedding cake phdserts
The daisies were all hand-made from gum paste and attached to the cake. Then, we added a sprinkling of orange and blue polka dots around the daisies.

orange blue daisy wedding cake phdserts
It's just enough color to bring the cake to life and still keep it elegant and formal. I love color on cakes, don't you?!


  1. Your cakes are AMAZING!

  2. Love it!! :) It's a subtle Gator cake! :)

  3. Beautiful cake! I just love the daisies they look so real!


  4. Gorgeous. I absolutely love these colors, and the daisies are precious.
